Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aperitivo Kick Off

Late afternoons, punt e mes and soda, a champgne cocktail, a glass of very dry sherry... perfection! Please stop by Tuesday, June 2 for a kick off of our Aperitivo and Sparkling Wine cocktail menu. While you are waiting, would you believe there is blog about aperitivo hour in italy?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Miss Mary Taylor's Favorite Wines

If you haven't met her yet, meet Mary Taylor- knowledgeable wine seller, frequent traveler to France, and party to many wine harvests while there. If you haven't read her yet, read Mary Taylor's blog - Thoreau Wine Society.

Then, you can join her Tuesday, May 19 at 5:00 PM for a tasting of her favorite wines as part of our Tuesday Tastings at 1 Dominick.